make intelligent graphics for Oracle Performance

On these tutorial we create some graphs for view oracle performance problems and IO .

First step is install oracle docker on Oracle Linux – 6 or 7. My case i going to study hard to get OCP on linux, and now we use Oracle Linux 7.2, please follow:


To install Docker on Oracle Linux 6:

  1. Enable the ol6_addons channel in /etc/yum.repos.d/public-yum-ol6.repo
  2. Run:
    yum install docker 

To install Docker on Oracle Linux 7:

  1. Enable the ol7_addons channel in /etc/yum.repos.d/public-yum-ol7.repo
  2. Run:
    yum install docker 

Enable btrfs support

Docker uses device-mapper devices as the default storage engine. To switch to using btrfs as the storage engine, ensure that /var/lib/docker is mounted on a btrfs filesystem. Check Chapter 5 of the Oracle Linux Administrator’s Solutions Guide for more details on how to create and mount btrfs filesystems.
To enable btrfs support for Docker on Oracle Linux:
  1. Ensure that /var/lib/docker is on a btrfs filesystem
  2. Edit /etc/sysconfig/docker and add “-s btrfs” to the other_args fields.
  3. Restart the Docker daemon:
    # service docker restart

Enabling and starting Docker

To enable the Docker daemon on system boot and start Docker on OL6:
# chkconfig docker on
# service docker start
To enable the Docker daemon on system boot and start Docker on OL7:
# systemctl enable docker.service
# systemctl start docker.service

      Checking Docker status

      To check that Docker is up and running on OL6:
      # service docker status
      To check that Docker is up and running on OL7:
      # systemctl status docker.service
      You can also get more information from Docker itself:
      # docker info
      # docker version
      Once you have Docker up and running, follow the upstream Docker documentation to get started. 
      Next step is to get my docker on next post!

      Make oracle linux 7 suitable to install oracle database

      We start with installation of packages

      Confirm if you install have minimal 16G swap cache, on system.

      free -m

      Almost installations have a minimal of 16G for swap, my system for example have a 128G memory – recently many docs confirms 16G of swap is ok for all memory configurations.

      Make the update for the entire system, update the packages you made this commands below like a root.

      yum update
      yum install oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall.x86_64
      Change the user oracle password:
      passwd oracle
      Please verify the security by selinux files, modify this entry:
      modify to 
      attention: do not confuse this line, pay attention.
      reboot the system
      If you not reboot the system you receive messages like, permission denied to disable services below.
      And stop the services, because this services is consuming memory and resources (cpu).
      systemctl stop firewalld
      systemctl stop iptables
      systemctl disable firewalld
      systemctl disable iptables
      systemctl disable atd
      systemctl disable bluetooth
      systemctl disable postfix
      systemctl disable sound
      systemctl disable anacron 
      systemctl disable atd 
      systemctl disable cups 
      systemctl disable cups-config-daemon 
      systemctl disable gpm 
      systemctl disable iptables 
      systemctl disable kudzu 
      systemctl disable lvm2-monitor 
      systemctl disable microcode_ctl 
      systemctl disable sendmail 
      systemctl disable smartd 
      systemctl disable auditd 
      systemctl disable avahi-daemon 
      systemctl disable bluetooth 
      systemctl disable firstboot 
      systemctl disable hidd 
      systemctl disable ip6tables 
      systemctl disable mcstrans 
      systemctl disable mdmonitor 
      systemctl disable pcscd 
      systemctl disable rawdevices 
      systemctl disable readahead_early 
      systemctl disable readahead_later 
      systemctl disable restorecond 
      systemctl disable setroubleshoot 
      systemctl disable yum-updatesd 
      systemctl disable nfs 
      systemctl disable autofs on
      systemctl disable cpuspeed on
      systemctl disable haldaemon on
      systemctl disable irqbalance on
      systemctl disable messagebus on
      systemctl disable netfs on
      systemctl disable nfslock on
      systemctl disable rpcgssd on
      systemctl disable rpcidmapd on
      systemctl disable portmap on
      The old model (before Oracle Linux 7 or RHEL 7)
      chkconfig anacron off
      chkconfig atd off
      chkconfig cups off
      chkconfig cups-config-daemon off
      chkconfig gpm off
      chkconfig iptables off
      chkconfig kudzu off
      chkconfig lvm2-monitor off
      chkconfig microcode_ctl off
      chkconfig sendmail off
      chkconfig smartd off
      chkconfig auditd off
      chkconfig avahi-daemon off
      chkconfig bluetooth off
      chkconfig firstboot off
      chkconfig hidd off
      chkconfig ip6tables off
      chkconfig mcstrans off
      chkconfig mdmonitor off
      chkconfig pcscd off
      chkconfig rawdevices off
      chkconfig readahead_early off
      chkconfig readahead_later off
      chkconfig restorecond off
      chkconfig setroubleshoot off
      chkconfig yum-updatesd off
      chkconfig nfs off
      chkconfig autofs on
      chkconfig cpuspeed on
      chkconfig haldaemon on
      chkconfig irqbalance on
      chkconfig messagebus on
      chkconfig netfs on
      chkconfig nfslock on
      chkconfig rpcgssd on
      chkconfig rpcidmapd on
      chkconfig portmap on
      Reboot the system for this services not startup again.
      su – oracle
      and create .bash_profile
      add this on your file:
      echo “###############################################”
      echo “#         BANCO     SCRIPT    AMBIENTE        #”
      echo “###############################################”
      export ORACLE_SID=prd
      export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle
      export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1
      export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH
      export ORACLE_UNQNAME=prd